Regenerate Earth
Goals (REGs)
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Regenerate Earth
Goals (REGs)
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The UN website states: "The Sustainable Development Goals are severely off track." This is because nothing about modern civilization is sustainable without exterminating further life on Earth. 'Sustainability' is no longer a valid concept. Humans will rapidly shift into Regenerative Earth Goals (REGs) or rapidly shift into oblivion. Young people know this. They don't need jobs. They need Initiation into Adulthood, and Skills for building regenerative nonmaterial infrastructure for next culture: Archiarchy.
Creation Trainings
The opposite of scarcity is not abundance. The opposite of scarcity is creation.
Give a woman a fish and she can eat for a day. Teach a woman to fish and she can eat for a lifetime. These principles are common knowledge.
Making Goal #1 'no poverty' communicates the to get out of poverty, people should 'work at McDonald's'. This is the best offer modern business can provide, and the least interesting to young people. Creation Training focuses on Gameworld Building skills so that young people can develop and deliver their nonmaterial value to their village.
Localized Food Production
Hunger comes to villages who cannot grow their own food. Intensifying already unstable supply lines to export agribusiness 'food' to those 'in need' is a rescue move, doomed to fail when Climate Change causes droughts and floods that diminish harvests, supply chains break down, and when people get tired of being victims of agribusiness. Far more effective is to empower localized food production.
Five Body Health And Well-Being
Modern culture proposes that humans are a mind in a physical body, and uses the theory of '2 Phase Healing'. In Phase 1, a person starts off 'well', then in Phase 2 they get 'sick', then the doctor's job is to bring them back to their original state of 'wellness' in Phase 1. Archan health care regards humans as having 5 Bodies (physical, intellectual, emotional, energetic, and archetypal) and uses 3 Phase Healing. Phase 1 is your current condition. Phase 2 is an imbalance that signals a Liquid State in which your 5 Bodies are reordering into a new potential. Phase 3 is when you stabilize in your new awarenesses and capacities along your Evolutionary Path.
Authentic Adulthood Initiations
There is a huge difference between Education and Initiation. Education teaches information that is already known in school classes so that you think about 'right answers' according to the curriculum. But why teach about what we already recognize does not provide a bright future for life on Earth? Initiation delivers thoughtware upgrades in trainings where you develop your potentials for new ways of Being. Thoughtware is what you use to think with. How often do you upgrade the Apps in your phone? How often do you upgrade the thoughtware in your mind? Upgraded thoughtware opens doorways for you to enter Free And Natural Adulthood and to explore Archetypal Domains, especially in relating and creating.
Shift From Patriarchy To Archiarchy
Patriarchy functions perfectly well according to its design parameters. In Patriarchy, genders cannot be equal. The masculine prevails in Patriarchy, and the feminine is owned by the masculine. Patriarchy will fight you to the death if you try to change its design. Buckminster Fuller said, "You don't change things by fighting against the existing gameworlds. You change things by cavitating and inhabiting new gameworlds that make the existing gameworlds irrelevent." (He actually said, "...that make the existing gameworlds obsolete," but existing gameworlds are already obsolete!) The next cultural gameworld is Archiarchy, the culture of archetypally initiated adult women creatively collaborating with archetypally initiated adult men. In Archiarchy, gender does not cause inequality. Archiarchy is emerging around the world now that Matriarchy and Patriarchy have run their course.
Guardianship Of Fresh Water Aquifers
By far, most fesh water on Earth is being consumed in agribusiness practices and industrial mining and manufacturing processes. Aquifers are now being pumped out using high volume oil pumps. Farmers in India make more money selling fresh water to thirsty villagers than by trying to grow crops. Fracking is poisoning aquifers around the world. Water tables are decreasing at an alarming rate. Where are the Guardians?
Intelligent Passive Solar
The idea that human beings deserve to have an abundance of affordable clean energy is no different from saying that human beings deserve to live on the fourteenth floor of the Ritz Hotel with unlimited room service and a private jet to take them wherever they want to go. Somebody has been watching too many Star Wars movies, where all the spaceships run on a mysterious blue light energy. Current modern culture infrastructure defies comprehension by blatantly ignoring that every hour, the earth receives 173,000 Terra Watts of energy from the sun. Almost no building in any city in the world is intelligently designed to heat, cool, and power itself using passive solar energy. Let's start there.
Economies Of Nonmaterial Value
Modern culture's concept of 'economic growth' promotes social imbalance, where the benefits of the growth are taken by those who are already economically obese, and the benefits are paid for by the slaves, future generations, and the raping of nature. Modern culture's endless craving for material growth on a finite planet is exterminating life on planet Earth. Materials are scarce. Nonmaterials are not. Humans have the capacity to create and exchange nonmaterial value that has more value than money can ever pay for. Earth can begin regenerating when humans switch to using economies of nonmaterial value. Work becomes 'decent' when it is the expression of your personal set of Bright Principles and your Archetypal Lineage in a gameworld of your own making. Otherwise you are a pawn in someone else's gameworld. Being an 'employee' is beneath human dignity.
Innovative Regenerative Infrastructure
Humans became clever before we became smart. Using already existing 'profit-centered' infrastructure to expand human presence on Earth may seem 'practical' or 'cost effective' but it is not realistic, if reality is to include human beings in the near future. We are at the 'Intersection Point' between 'population X consumption X toxic wastes' and 'the planet's dwindling capacity to clean up our mess'. This is our 'start over' cusp. The faster modern culture's current infrastructure collapses, the faster human population drops to about 1 billion, the quicker that humans shift to regenerative Archiarchy, the greater chance we have of seeing the next Century. Every true human necessity can be supplied by regenerative means. The actual question is: are we smart enough to sidestep being 'gaslighted' by middle-aged billionaires (put them in prison, as was done in Iceland) and initiate regenerative human presence on Earth? We will soon see.
Shift From Hierarchical To Toroidal
Using a hierarchical power structure has built-in handicaps. The worst is probably that those people who can do whatever it take to climb the hierarchy get the power positions. But the people who are best at 'doing whatever it takes' to get a position of power are the psychopaths. Hierarchies promote psychopaths to the top. Creating a bright future for humanity is not on a psychopath's agenda. Two things are possible. One, it is possible to test for psychopathy to assure that no person with psychopathic traits is permitted to take a position of power. Two, it is possible to shift the organizational design to a Torus, a circle of circles, not depending on any kind of 'leadership from above'. The Torus liberates group intelligence and unleashes heretofore unrecognized human potentials. Hierarchy suppresses both intelligence and potential. Have you ever felt truly represented in your 'representative democracy'? Can someone else truly speak for you? Toroids are key to regenerating Earth.
Local Authority Nanonations
All modern cities depend on a daily fossil-fuel powered delivery of food from farms that do not exist in the city. Within a day or two, grocery store shelves are bare when food deliveries stop. Then the city turns into a death trap. Look at Aleppo, Syria. It is possible for us to reorganize ourselves into 100 million local-authority initiation-centered regenerative nonmatarial nanonations. When local foods are consumed locally, we build direct bridges to regenerating Earth.
Cradle-To-Cradle Production
Regeneration means that your waste is your food. What goes around, comes around. If you create toxins for whatever reason, you shrink your food supply. At this point, we humans are shrinking our food supply at an irreconcilable rate. By using 'regeneration' rather than 'profit' as our highest motivation, new avenues of research and development will emerge. Then it will no longer be facetious to think that what we wear, what we live in, what we walk on, etc. is not our food. Cradle-to-cradle is nature's winning formula. It needs to be ours.
Radical CO2 And Methane Drawdown
Even though methane (CH4) is some 28-34 times stronger as a green-house gas than carbon dioxide (CO2), methane was largely ignored in initial reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (I.P.C.C.). Now it is clear that even when methane degrades in the atmosphere, it turns into carbon dioxide. We have long passed the date when stopping release of methane is enough to decrease atmospheric methane concentrations. Now it is time for drawdown. Atmospheric CO2 and CH4 concentrations have closely paralleled each other for the past 800,000 years. Now methane has exceeded 1900 parts per billion. When carbon dioxide reaches its predictable parallel concentration, all indications suggest Earth temperatures to exceed 12 degrees Centigrade above pre-industrial. This data is not for politicians to bandy about with.
Regeneration Of Aquatic Ecosystems
Perhaps you should first watch the film Albatross by Chris Jordon. Then we could have a reasonable conversation about what to do about plastics in the ocean. This would lead to realizing why the Sea Shephard fleet should be fortified to 100 times its current size to radically stop trawling krill from Antarctic Sea.
Regeneration Of Terrestrial Ecosystems
Using fossil fuels to help burn green trees in Biomass Electricity Generation Plants is not regenerative. Digging open pit Lithium mines in the Nevada desert to try to provide a few more electric cars with batteries even though most of those electric cars will no longer be running in 10 years time. All over the world, forests have been chopped down to build sailing ships, railroad tracks, cities, and to use for cooking fires. Humans have not replanted. Now even New Zealand is being sawed to the ground and shipped to Chinese lumber mills to make wood for Ikea. Regeneration of terrestrial ecosystems starts with thoughware upgrades in human beings at Archiarchy Invention Centers (AICs). The courage to overcome the fear of thoughtware upgrade comes from the pain of awareness of the suffering caused by doing things the same old way.
Radical Responsibility In Archan Law
'Justice' turns out to be a ploy for revenge. 'Peace' turns out to be a prize for the victor. Entirely new forms of interaction are possible. These new forms emerge from a clearly established context. The context of a gameworld is the gameworld's relationship to consciousness and responsibility. In modern culture, both 'consciousness' and 'responsibility' are dirty words, only fit for the gullible. In Archiarchy, responsibility is applied consciousness. Responsibility is consciousness in action. We live in a responsible universe. The context of Archiarchy is Radical Responsibility. Out of Radical Responsibility, the rest of Archan Law falls like rain from the clouds.
Collaborative Creation For The Goals
The term 'partnership' comes from business. It implies 'deals' that certain people are 'partner to' and others are not. It implies that stakeholders are investors who expect high ROI (Return On Investment), or why should they invest at all? It infers that partners control outcomes before a meeting is even called to order. Such 'partnership arrangements' guarantee that nothing new can emerge. What is required now is going to be shockingly revolutionarily new, or it is going to be ecocidal. Creative collaboration for the REGs (Regenerate Earth Goals) puts the goals first and the collaboration second. Collaboration in the service of Regenerating Earth starts with relocating your Point Of Origin out of personal profit and out of job security at the UN, and into the goals. Earth is so far into human-forced overshoot that single issue efforts fall far short of useful.
Regenerative Earth Goals (REGs)
Going all out together bringing Earth ecosystems back to full vibrant health and diversity can be done. Already in 2008 the people of Estonia cleaned up their country and cleaned up ten-thousand tons of garbage in one day! There are already concerted intelligent efforts by millions of people around the world doing what is right to create a better future for life on Earth. At REGs we do not have to reinvent the wheel. Our central focus is to amplify the efforts of the hundreds of thousands of teams Regenerating Earth spontaneously and voluntarily around the world right now, helping them to spread their clarity about the vital importance of their projects, bringing in resources and coordinating efforts for greater effectivity. People are saving and planting non GMO seeds and sharing them with each other. People are refusing to comply with corporate mandates for profit over nature. People are destroying weapons so there can be no more war. People are depaving downtown and planting gardens and making walkways and bike paths. People are guarding old growth trees in Chile threatened by corporate greed from Esprit. People are blowing up tar sands oil pipelines. People synergetically learn in Archiarchy Invention Centers (AICs). We could list thousands of efforts under way. Can you? These are Regenerate Earth Goals already alive and underway. Let us put our shoulders massively beside theirs and push together.
Child And Adult Level Responsibility
Your Awareness Is Evolving
Next Culture (Archiarchy) Is Gaiacentric
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Different Cultures Promote Different Levels Of Responsibility
Humanity Is Going Through An Epochal Culture Shift
Focusing On Carbon Loses The Overview
Unlike the 'solutions' to climate change that corporations are constantly trying to sell us, there is no profitable technology that will eliminate habitat loss, species extinctions, pollution, and deforestation. What we hear from organizations, governments, corporations, and the media is all climate change all the time, because someone is making big money.
Loss Of Biosphere Integrity Outweighs Climate Change
The Context Of Regenerative Earth Goals (REGs)
The Space determines what is Possible.
The Context determines the Space.
The Spaceholder determines the Context.
Archiarchy is contexted in Radical Responsibility and centered on Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes.
Anything that is not Regenerative is illegal.
This graph is special because it shows connections between CO2 (carbon dioxide), CH4 (methane) and Earth's average surface temperature over a 400,000 year time scale. First, note the close connection between all 3 factors. When CH4 goes up, CO2 immediately follows, and then Earth's temperature changes due to the increased solar radiation captured by these two 'greenhouse gases'. Next, note the current concentration of CH4: 1922 parts per billion. When CO2 rises to meet the current concentration of CH4, look at the estimated Earth surface temperature: more than 12 degrees Centigrade hotter than pre-industrial. Conclusion? Without radical drawdown of CO2 and CH4 , we are toast.
Fallacies In The SDGs
So much effort went into ratifying the SDGs in 2015. One would have wanted them to shine with integrity and accountability... integrity to Earth... not to the 'stakeholders'.
However, we start where we are. Consciousness evolves. Human awareness expands according to the Evolutionary mandate of the Universe.
Once the SDGs are inspected, it becomes obvious why the United Nations itself has thankfully come to admit, "The Sustainable Development Goals are badly off track."
Radical Honesty gives us a more accurate assessment of current reality with which our combined efforts can produce better results.
But where did the intentions go wrong?
We think the SDGs went wrong at the outset.
Unrevealed expectations and Hidden Competing Commitments sidetracked the intended good.
Below is a simple effort to consider circumstances and forces which undermined the SDGs from the beginning. The objective here is not to point the finger of blame. The intention is for us all to wake up about what has been really going on, and to get back on track with the tasks at hand.
Think of what is at stake: everything you have ever known or loved.
Either your world evolves, or it dies.
Both may feel the same at first, but there is a world of difference between Emotional fear and the Feeling of fear. Emotions last longer than 3 minutes in your experience. Emotions are for healing things. Feelings are for handling things. You can learn to distinguish between Emotions and Feelings in your daily life.
Learning to consciously feel helps to properly consider the fallacies undermining the original 17 SDGs, and to use your newfound wisdom to try to do better with implementing the REGs.
NOTE: These fallacies are not listed in any particular order.
- POPULATION OF HUMANS ON EARTH: Humans have thoughtlessly overpopulated planet Earth, not only with more humans, but also with cows and pigs, and maybe sheep. Take a look around. Do cities need more cars? Does Earth need more megacities? Earth could support about one billion humans living regenerative lives. When women are empowered, human populations stabilize at much lower numbers than they are now. If a government's taxation or Social Security or Veteran's Administration payments seem to require more young people working at meaningless jobs to pay more taxes, this is a failed economic system and should be dismantled completely.
- GREEN ENERGY: Al Gore used a scare tactic to emotionally move people to vote for 'green tech' solutions to avoid increasing carbon dioxide greenhouse gas emmissions. Green Tech put tens of millions of dollars into his pocket. This is the scam of 'green energy'. How long do the wind generators, solar arrays, and electric cars last? Ten years or so. Do you know anyone driving a car that is older than ten years old? Burning biomass for electricity means chopping down forests and changing them into carbon dioxide and toxic ash. Fossil fuels are needed to burn biomass. Fossil fuels are needed to keep salt molten during the night in the massive solar arrays of reflecting mirrors. Sell more 'green tech' and put the money in your account, then invent the next 'cool' thing to sell to the sheeple.
- NUCLEAR POWER: Nuclear Power is not 'clean'. Nuclear Power is not 'safe'. Nuclear Power is not 'unlimited'. Nuclear Power depends on a nearly unlimited supply of cooling water. When the source of cooling water decreases due to drought or decreased ice melt runoff, or the temperature of the cooling water increases due to heat waves, or the cooling pools become unstable due to earthquake (as in Fukushima), a nuclear power plant quickly transforms into a nuclear bomb. "The world's present measured resources of uranium (6.1 Mt)... are enough to last for about 90 years. This represents a higher level of assured resources than is normal for most minerals." How does our current behavior care for the lives of humans living 100 years from now?
- HIERARCHICAL POWER STRUCTURES: Hierarchical power structures, such as are used in corporations, governments, militaries and religions around the world, promote psychopathic personalities to the top of the hierarchy. Those who will do whatever it takes to get a power position lack a connection between their mind and their heart and therefore lack conscience. This disconnect is measurable during a brain scan. Why, no matter how much intelligent goodwill exists in the world, is there so much war, suffering, and injustice? Psychopaths have enjoyed a significant advantage over non-psychopaths in the struggle for power in civilizational hierarchies. No matter what illegal thing a modern politician does, no one will really take him to task. All of the so called scandals that have come up, any one of which would have taken down an authentic administration, are just farces played out for the public to think that democracy still works. If SDGs promote hierarchies, they promote psychopaths.
- INDUSTRIAL AGRICULTURE: Long term effects of the so called 'green revolution' (using fossil fuel powered machinery and irrigation pumps with patented GMO seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides such as Bayer's RoundUp with glyphosate to increase production of wheat, corn, and rice) has increased environmental, financial and sociological problems like droughts, desertification, rural indebtedness, farmer suicides, and soil deterioration which has led to the collapse of agricultural systems in many regions, and negatively affects farmers, food, and water supplies. Trying to use centralized corporate agriculture rather than decentralized (localize authority) subjects projects to the psychopathic agenda takeover mentioned above.
- MATERIAL BASED 'ENDLESS GROWTH' ECONOMICS: Material Economics assigns value to that which is scarce. The greater the scarcity, the greater the value. (Think of non-fungible tokens NFTs or BitCoins.) Material Economics tries to extermalize its real costs to humanity in general, to future generations, and to Earth itself so that it can define itself as creating a 'profit' - buy low, sell high - getting something for nothing, believing things that cannot possibly be true. Material Economics is based on scarcity and delusion. When you realize that Material Economics only functions through a fantasy of 'endless growth' on a finite planet, it enters the domain of suicidal derangement. Humans are capable of creating Nonmaterial Value that has more value than money can pay for, from resources that are not limited because they are not physical.
- 20th CENTURY EDUCATION: It is criminal to subject young people to 20th Century 'education' in a 21st Century world. No, we do not already know what needs to be known in the 21st Century, but we do know that there are thoughtware upgrades and new skills needed for learning how to learn in a culture that lacks resilience and dignity while it flounders around in rapidly evolving environmental conditions. Some of these skills include shifting from Defensive Learning to Expansive Learning, shifting from Verbal Reality to Experiential Reality, becoming Radically Responsible for your own Authority starting with being Centered, Grounded, Bubbled, and Present, learning to Cavitate, Hold, and Navigate Space going Nonlinear and Unreasonable because the Space determines what is Possible, distilling your Bright Principles, learning to receive and provide Emotional Healing Processes (EHP) and Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes, etc. Many of these Archan adulthood initiations and skills are listed and explained at It can help to learn to play, the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline matrix-building awareness-expanding thoughtware-upgrade personal-transformation true-life adventure-game with over six-hundred interlinked websites.
- CHILD-LEVEL RESPONSIBILITY CULTURE: If a child makes a mess, who cleans it up? Yes, the parents clean up the child's messes. In a Patriarchy, the person who cleans up the child's mess is usually the mother, the servant of the men. Take a look around. Modern culture is making gargantuan messes with no intention at all of ever cleaning them up (nuclear waste, extermination of species, children using brain drugs, toxic wastes, devastation of ecosystems, plastics in the oceans, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, war zones contaminated with Depleted Uranium dust from Bunker Buster bombs and anti-tank bullets from the A-10 Warthog, contaminated aquifers from fracking, etc.). This lack of responsibility classifies modern culture as a child-level responsibility culture. Trying to promote SDGs in a child-level responsibility culture with Gremlin Contaminated Adult Egostates is bad joke, doomed from the start. REGs start in Archiarchy, an adult and archetypal responsibility centered culure.
- PATRIARCHAL CONTEXT: The capitalist Patriarchal empire is funcioning perfectly well according to its design mandates. There is nothing wrong with the Patriarchy. If you set the context of your project in Patriarchal thoughtware, you will create what the Patriarchy creates. Thinking that you can create something other than patriarchy while using patriarchal thoughtware is faulty thinking. An entirely different cultural context is available, but it uses Archan thoughtware. Shifting from Patriarchal thoughtware to Archiarchal thoughtware involves going through multiple Liquid States. Humans are designed to go through evolutionary Liquid States. Upgrading thoughtware is different from education.
- CORPORATE PROFIT MOTIVE EQUATING 'INVESTORS' AS 'STAKEHOLDERS': If the background conversation in the SDGs is: "How can investors make a profit?" and "How can stakeholders be financially rewarded?" then these are not SDGs. Instead they are a 'green washed' 'business plan' with an ROI profit context replacing any true intention to regenerate planet Earth. This typically political deception deprives the SDGs of legitimacy before they even start. It also deprives life on Earth from having a future. In Archiarchy, new forms of organizations use circular or toroidal power structures, and instead of making a 'business' people make a 'Growness'. A business measures profit in increased digits in a bank account. A Growness measures profit in increased Matrix in your Being. Businesses promote physical grow in size. Grownesses promote personal growth in the evolution of consciousness.
- WAR AS BUSINESS (BUSINESS AS USUAL): Bullets and bombs have a shelf life. Allowing companies to manufacture weapons implies granting them permission to sell and use weapons in any way they can to make a profit. Business is business. If the U. S. government gives weapons to Ukraine to blow up in a 'justified war' against Russia, then weapons companies can make and sell more weapons to the U.S.A. Do you think that making bullets and bombs is a satisfying job for young people? If you give Depleted-Uranium-tipped Bunker Buster Bombs to the Israelis to use against Hamas in Palestine, then you no longer have the danger and expense of storing your radioactive wastes, and you can justify running more nuclear reactors.
- ALLOWING VETO FROM ROGUE NATIONS: During the past 50 years certain countries (namely U.S.A., Russia, and China, but also Canada and Australia) have used their 'veto power' to stop progress in crucial environmental policies. Regardless of the childish reactivity of the uninitiated adolescent politicians, granting unconscious gremlin hystrionics any kind of credibility is selling the future of Earth to the lowest bidder. Renegade states cannot be given 'veto' powers regardless of their fears. In fact, rogue nations such as those listed could instead be dismantled down to 1000 person maximum local authority Nanonations, each with their own Constitution, Codex, and Rules Of Engagement.
- CARBON TUNNEL VISION: Why are most scientists, organizations, and governments so focused on climate change and carbon emissions? In part, because it’s relatively easy to measure. We’ve been measuring carbon dioxide in the atmosphere since 1958, and many other greenhouse gases almost as long. We can see the average annual parts per million increase every year. It’s much easier to measure CO2 ppm in the atmosphere than it is to count every last frog of a given species, or detect toxic pollutants in ground water, or track the decline of top soil, or do long term studies on the impacts of pesticides and herbicides. Corporations have created technologies and industries they can sell to the world as 'solutions to climate change' which allow the corporations and the governments they influence to believe we can continue 'business-as-usual'. The pervasive propaganda about these fake 'solutions' allows us regular folk to believe we can continue life-as-we-know-it without having to worry too much because we naively assume, “Someone is doing something about climate change.” If you adopt Carbon Tunnel Vision, you lose the overview that Earth systems collapse due to multiple interrelated systemic causes, such as: habitat destruction, fresh water scarcity, biodiversity loss, toxic pollutants, overpopulation of humans, overconsumption, overdevelopment, soil contamination, deforestation, soil erosion, over fishing, etc. Decreasing carbon is NOT sufficient to redirect current trends which are all leading towards collapse.
Achieving Regenerate Earth Goals (REGs) depends on everyone's cooperation.
Pact For The Future
The proposal for a Summit of the Future originated in the United Nations Our Common Agenda report. The report was a response by the UN Secretary-General to a call from Member States for ideas on how better to respond to current and future challenges.
The Common Agenda report called for a renewal of trust and solidarity at all levels – between peoples, countries and generations.
It made the case for a fundamental rethink of our political, economic and social systems so that they deliver more fairly and effectively for everyone.
It also recommended a corresponding renewal of the multilateral system, with the Summit of the Future as a defining moment to agree on the most critical improvements necessary.
Member States agreed to hold the Summit in September 2024. They also agreed that the Summit would have an outcome – a Pact for the Future.
Possibility Management is a 'Civil Society Organization' of an estimated 100,000 researchers around the world.
Albert Einstein was right aboutthe atom bomb. It is probable that he was also right when he said: “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them… A new type of thinking is required if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels.” What Einstein neglected to provide us with is the formula for that ‘new kind of thinking’. Since 1973, precisely this is what we have been secretly working on.
After 50 years of solid, empirical, privately-funded research in small groups in Europe and the Americas, it is our moral obligation to report that we have discovered thoughtware upgrades that form the basis of Archiarchy – the culture which is rapidly emerging around the world under the radar, now that Matriarchy and Patriarchy have run their course.
Archiarchy is centered on:
· Regenerative Infrastructures (Seeking ’sustainability’ is faulty thinking,suspiciously naïve. Sustainability is no longer a valid concept. Nothing in modern culture can be sustained without continuing to exterminate life on Earth at the fastest possible rate. Human presence on Earth needs to be regenerative.)
· Authentic Adulthood-Initiatory Processes (Archiarchy places its highest value on Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Process instead of glorifying GNP and the ‘profits’ of financial structures that monetize what remains of nature at the fastest possible rate for the ‘financial gain’ of a few. Modern culture is putting uninitiated adolescent/psychopathic personalities in positions of power!)
· Nonmaterial Value (Material resources are limited. Nonmaterialresources are not. How primitive to base economics on somethingthat only has the value of being scarce. Nonmaterial Value provides more value than money can pay for, and its potentials are limitless.)
· Creative Collaboration between archetypally initiated adult women and archetypally initiated adult men.
The personal, educational, economic, agronomic, institutional, business, governance, and spiritual shift to Archiarchy is the adventure of our time. We realize that at first these may seem like radical proposals, but we think you will agree that anything less than this is already known to be pitifully insufficient.
Chapter I. Sustainable development and financing for development
There are two forms of ‘development’: development in size, and development in quality. Our proposal starts with forbidding
development in size (more, bigger, faster), and replacing it with massive global training for development in quality. ‘Development inquality’ means training in centering, grounding, bubbling, presence, Emotional Healing Processes (EHP), connection, communication, upgrading thoughtware, increasing awareness, localizing authority, gameworld building skills, Torus Meeting Technology skills, building ‘matrix’ for engaging higher levels of responsibility, nonmaterial skillbuilding, inner navigation, and eventually personal connection with archetypal nonmaterial resources.If you ‘follow the money,’ it issimple to distinguish if a project described as ‘sustainable development’ is greenwashing for profit, or building regenerative nonmaterial infrastructure that enhances the health and diversity of the ecosystems of Earth. There is plenty of legitimate documentation revealing the failure of modern culture’s governance, financial, military and legal systems to create a bright future for humanity on Earth. Obviously complicit is modern citizens’ lack of authentic adulthood
initiation. Modern citizens are trained by media and school to be gullible, and modern corporations are designed to ‘fleece the sheep’, lusting to satisfy an endless void by bamboozling to gain short term ‘profits’. In a closed-ecosystem such as a planet, there is no such thing as ‘profit’. If full costs are disclosed, it always costs more to refine something than that thing can be sold for. The only question is who pays those hidden costs.If the economic system allows costs to be ‘externalized’ to future generations, to third world countries, or to nature at large, this is an economics of ecocide. The time of feigning ignorance of consequences is over. Material development enslaves the poor and funnels resources into coffers of the already rich. It is not for lack of money that extreme poverty and hunger are on the rise. Poverty is the essence of the economics of ecocide at work. Global emissions, human displacement, ocean desertification, climate catastrophes, armed conflict, corporate agriculture, weapons of mass destruction (including Depleted-Uranium-tipped ‘Bunker Buster’ bombs being shipped from USA into Ukraine and Israel), politicized pandemics, and the risks associated with new technologies are at their highest levels in human history.
Here is the next generation strategy:
Forbid any organization from participation which uses a hierarchical power structure. Hierarchy is a modern culture organizational design-error that promotes psychopathological personalities up the ranks. This is why hierarchical organizations around the world are top-heavy with psychopaths.
Forbid any organization from participating that is incorporated and can hide in the legal charade of ‘corporate personhood’. Corporationsare themselves psychopaths, and by now it is shockingly clear that the psychopathic agenda does not include creating a bright future for life on Earth.
Forbid the ‘corporocratic economic hitman’ tactics of the World Bank, the IMF, and anycountry or bank making unrepayable loans to ‘develop local infrastructure’ which they will later repossess and use for their own purposes.
Forbid any religious-based organization from participating, including religious-based governments. A country is a gameworld. A religion is a gameworld. Just because a gameworld exists does not mean it has any place in Archiarchy.
Regenerative development on Earthstarts with reversing overpopulation seriously down to about 1 billion humans.
The way people think determines what they procreate.Therefore we propose that you heavilyfund Thoughtware Upgrades for women to higher levels of responsibility. ‘Thoughtware Upgrade’ is very different from ‘education’. Education teaches what to think ABOUT which is already known (and is now known to be ecocidal. How is it a good idea to teach in school what is already not working?). Thoughtware Upgrade supports personal inspection of what one uses to think WITH.
How often do you upgrade the APPs in your phone?
How often do you upgrade the Thoughtware in your mind?There is incredibly useful new Thoughtware available to use for free and it is all copyleft, open-code thoughtware.
Once women get access to birthcontrol and develop their Nonmaterial Value delivery skills, women either get abortions or have maximum one or two children. The population goes right down. A bright future for humanity does NOT include corporations having more customers to please their stockholders. A bright future does NOT include more humans owning more electric cars. Countries that fear losing their tax base to pay Veterans Administration and retirement benefits can be reorganized around Archan Economics.
Regenerative development is terracentric, not corporate-profits centric.
Chapter II. International peace and security
We implement Archan Law.
Archan law is global. There is no 'opt in' or ‘opt out’ option. There is no ‘veto’ power granted to any individual or entity. If you are an individual or organization (legal or not) on planet Earth, Archan Law applies to you through Universal Jurisdiction.
Universal jurisdiction allowsstates or international organizations to claim criminal jurisdiction over an accused person regardless of where the alleged crime was committed, and regardless of the accused's nationality, country of residence, or any other relation to the prosecuting entity. Crimes prosecuted under universal jurisdiction are considered crimes against all, too serious to tolerate jurisdictional arbitrage. This includes any crime against Gaia’s fragile ecosystems.
Universal jurisdiction is therefore closely linked to the idea that some international norms are ‘erga omnes’, or owed to the entire world community, as well as ‘jus cogens’, or binding on all states.Instead of making war crimesillegal, Archan Law make war illegal. Any government or organization or individual who chooses war over transformation has already rescinded their rights. Irresponsibilityis an illusion. That government is dissolved and the country is broken into local-authority nanonations of no more than 1000 inhabitants each, so as to start over closer to the Archan regenerative context, the context of Gaia, the context of healthy complex interrelated ecosystems.
Archan Law recognizes that theso-called 'rule-of-law' of the so-called 'modern civilization' (capitalistpatriarchal empire) isa failed construct leading directly to planetary suicide (ecocide) and near-term human extinction. Therefore, Archan Law asserts that any individual or gameworld continuing to abide by the rule-of-law of modern civilization is criminally insane, and any individual or gameworld defending the rule-of-law of modern civilization has already forfeited their life.
Archan Law includes a ‘Bill of Wrongs’.
1. Forbids modern civilization’s rule of law.
2. Forbids ownership of land.
3. Forbids taxation.
4. Forbids ownership of animal, mineral, or organic resources (so-called 'natural resources').
5. Forbids monetizing natural capital.
6. Forbids corporate personhood.
7. Forbids copyright.
8. Forbids patents.
9. Forbids hiring employees, or working as an employee.
10. Forbids hierarchical power structures.
11. Forbids public schools.
12. Forbids win-lose games.
13. Forbids externalizing environmental costs or social costs.
14. Forbids profit.
15. Forbids financial gambling in any form, e.g. health insurance, stocks, trading.
16. Forbids renting money (interest).
17. Forbids paid lobbyists.
18. Forbids paid politicians.
19. Forbids psychopaths from holding any position of power.
20. Forbids absentee ownership (stockholders, landlords, ownership of multiple homes or properties).
21. Forbids brands.
22. Forbids franchises.
23. Forbids toxic wastes and toxic byproducts.
24. Forbids weapons of mass destruction.
25. Forbids armed or armored vehicles(land, sea, air, or space).
26. Forbids any weapon with an effective range over one kilometer.
27. Forbids war. (Instead of ‘war crimes’ being illegal, war is illegal.)
28. Forbids disposables.
29. Forbids beliefs.
30. And forbids lawyers.
The Bill Of Wrongs does notpretend to abide by natural law, because natural law allows parasites, vampires, zombies, ghouls, blackmail, corruption, manipulation, revenge, power over, cancers, disease viruses, survival-of-the-fittest, psychopaths, and ‘acts of God’. And, if you have ever seen a hungry frigate birds snatch up and swallow freshly-hatched baby sea turtles scuttling frantically and defenselessly towards the ocean waves, then you know that nature also allows terrorists.
The Bill Of Wrongs thrives through dignified human guardianship (the kaitiaki).
Chapter III. Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation
We make all science, technology, innovation, art and education copyleft (unable to be copyrighted) with agreed-upon
standards for ease of interfacing. This is part of Archan Law. No copyright.
Invention is not for creating scarcity to derive the illusion of ‘profit’ for personal gain. Invention is for feeding the Creative Commons, which then feeds everybody. The benefit for the inventor is the process of invention.Chapter IV. Youth and future generations
Why are adolescents with clarityand energy for regenerative change forced to march in the streets holding up
placards only to be attacked with pepper spray in the eyes then beaten and
dragged away by corporate-sponsored militia?We have added a few distinctionsto Buckminster Fuller’s declaration: “You do not change things by fightingagainst the existing gameworlds. You change things by cavitating and inhabiting new gameworlds that make the existinggameworlds irrelevant.” Itis the task of the youth to build new gameworlds.
We propose opening gameworld-building Archiarchy Invention Centers (AICs) for thousands if not tens of thousands of youth from around the world to design and inhabit Humanity 3.0. These are non-hierarchical toroidal Teams (circles of circles) thriving in a radical-responsibility context and evolution /transformation purpose, explicitly without any kind of curriculum or controlling board of directors. Rather these AICs start using already existing and readily available new thoughtware resources as a foundation, and then Experiment and Practice from there. AICs are not corporate or politically sponsored ‘think tanks’. These are independent Torus Meeting Technology gameworlds tasked with designing and inhabiting Humanity 3.0: Archiarchy, within a short deadline. We could immediately initiate more than 3000 of these future inventing gameworlds for the price of only one of the Emergency Supplemental ‘National Security’ Fundings being sent by the United States of America to Ukraine.
Chapter V. Transforming global governance
We propose an immediate shift away from Parliamentary Procedure to global governance through Wisdom Council, Choice Creating, and Dynamic Facilitation from Jim Rough and Tom Atlee. These are already the legal standard in Vorarlberg, Austria. They can be immediately legalized by adding an amendment to any constitution.
Experiments Applying The 17 REGs
No one can experiment for you.
More interestingly, no one can stop you from experimenting.
Experimenting builds Matrix for collecting more consciousness.
With more consciousness, you see more options to choose from, including the frightening ones.
What you decide, however, is still up to you.
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NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayeronline-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate yourpoint of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what youthink about. Your thoughtware is what you useto think with. When you change your thoughtware,you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring uptransformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade yourthoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points wewill change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading thiswhole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code REGEARTH.00 to log yourMatrix Point for reading this website on Thank you for playing full out!